Alaska's Brown Bears are HUGE!
Alaska's Bears have been a big part of my life here in Alaska. Whenever I was on the road doing shows that was always the number one creature of interest here in Alaska. People fear them, and you best fear them. Timothy Treadwell should have!
Over the last 30 years we have had our unique encounters. The photo above is a nice Brown Bear taken by a client some years ago. As you can see from the photo, his "Cabelas pants" are full of Brown Bear!
I've seen these creature go straight up the sides of mountains, drag full grown moose and Caribou down, create avalanches in the spring just so they could get a few grub worms! This past summer they tried to dig up my septic take at the homestead and chew up $40K dollar airplanes.
When your on their terms in the bush, it's uneasy at best. When darkness begins to fall in Brown Bear country know two things, where your gun is and where your gun is. And in that order!
In Brown Bear camp ,packing the biggest gun is not always the best idea. Any time during the night someone heard a disturbance, I was always charged with the task of seeing what it was.
In upcoming blogs I'll write about some of the many Brown Bear hunts I have had the pleasure of experiencing. Many of these hunts are on video and soon to be on DVD. I'll keep you posted when releases are made available.